Table of contents

In your Notifadz account, you can create two types of campaigns:

<aside> 💡 Did you know it? Notifadz also offers the option of creating automated campaigns (triggers). These campaigns are useful for retargeting your audience. They also form part of your lead nurturing strategy, to trigger conversion over the long term. The creation of automated campaigns is done in conjunction with our CSM team.


Let's start with planned campaigns: it's essential to use this feature, whose aim is to communicate massively with all your subscribers. Take advantage of your highlights or news to promote them via this type of campaign.

<aside> 💡 Did you know it? Click-through rates can increase by 30-50% with informational campaigns (guides, tips, news, blog posts, etc.) VS promotional campaigns (discounts, products, etc.).


To create planned campaigns in your Notifadz account, click on the "My campaigns" tab in the navigation bar:


Click on the campaign block "Planned":


There are six steps to creating a campaign:

1. Targeting selection

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Use the "Targeting" field to select the site concerned by the campaign you wish to create. The "Device" field allows you to select the device on which you will send your notification: desktop or mobile.

All other settings are optional; we recommend that you leave them as they are, to ensure optimum campaign performance.

<aside> 💡 Did you know it? Targeting by zip code, city, etc. is widely used for geolocation campaigns such as drive-to-store, events, etc.


2. Creating the Web Push Notification

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Above, an example of how to create a notification.

You will therefore need to complete the following elements:

<aside> 💡 Did you know it? On the right, you can see the final version of your notification, which is updated in real time as you make changes.


Some examples of our partners' notifications:

Groupe 2113.png

Groupe 2114.png

Groupe 2117.png

3. Campaign planning

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Name your campaign and choose a date and time for sending.

<aside> 💡 Did you know it? Taking into consideration the instantaneous format of Web Push Notification, our customers analyze their Google Analytics data to identify traffic peaks and send their notifications at the best times.


4. Campaign repetition (optional)

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You can set up repetitions over a given period, so that your campaign is self-sufficient:

5. Add Google Analytics tracking variables (optional)

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You can add UTMs to your Google Analytics tracking. This will enable you to track your conversions and user journeys.

6. Validation and start of the campaign

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Once you've set all the parameters for your campaign, you can test the visual and finish by clicking on "Plan the campaign".

And that's it, your first campaign is launched! 🚀

You can then find all your planned campaigns from the "Campaign Planning" tab, then the "Planned Campaigns" tab:

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A few details to know about the pictograms on this dashboard:

🍒A few tips from our CSM team

To capitalize on your campaigns, here is an overview of the best practices: