Table of contents

What is it?

You can set up the type of advertisements you want to be displayed to your network for your different domains.

The type of advertisement shown has a direct impact on your revenue.

Access to the tool

To access this tool, go to the navigation bar from your Notifadz dashboard, click on the “Ad Quality**”** tab:

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By clicking on the tab, you will be redirected to the Ad Quality - Control Center page.


Global configuration: for all your domains

You can choose between two Ad Quality levels.

Below is a table comparing these two levels:

Regular ads Unfiltered ads (up to +30% revenue!)
Description Your subscribers receive advertisements for products or services from advertisers covering various themes, such as IT software offers, e-commerce and retail, high-tech, travel, banking services, insurance, and more. Your subscribers are likely to receive all types of advertisements, with no filters applied.
Remuneration ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Advertising Filters ⭐⭐⭐
Additional excluded categories ❌ • Dating
• Antivirus and software
• Casino /
Additional included categories ✅ / • Dating
• Antivirus and software
• Casino (in compliance with regulations in each country)

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Please note! All our ad levels by default exclude any type of prohibited content, including, but not limited to, pornographic, defamatory, privacy-invading, counterfeit, inciting racial hatred or violence, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, or nationality, or generally presenting illegal, illicit, misleading, fraudulent content or content that is against good morals.


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Warning: Ad filters are managed by our partners. Despite all the security measures in place, some ads may bypass their vigilance and the systems implemented. If you receive an ad with misleading characteristics, please report it to us.


By clicking on "Apply this level to all domains," your choice will be applied to all the sites linked to your account.

Done ✅

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Please note! It may take up to 24 hours for your choice to be processed.


Domain specific configuration

If you have multiple domains, you can configure the Ad Quality for each one individually. Use the table at the end of the page to make your selections.


Select the Ad Quality level you want to apply to each domain, then click on "Confirm my advertising levels".

Done ✅

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Please note! You can switch levels at any time. Just keep in mind that the change may take up to 24 hours to be applied.


<aside> ➡️ Next step: Collection statistics


Do you have any questions?

We are here to help!

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